Sunday, April 20, 2014

Guys in red: packages made luscious in vibrant red posers; 2nd. pic at 2.00 o'clock and getting ready for bed (posted by Muscleposer).

Kevin Rainey

Javier Datiz

Anwar Seif

Johnny Jackson?

Young Charles Mario Soares?

In graphic relief in contest

Luis Vidal (?)

Brian Saltzman


  1. That's Silvio Samuel, not Johnnie Jackson. I'm also pretty certain that's not Charles Mario. And it's Javier Datiz, not Data. I hope others can help with the rest. Like the black bodybuilder in 6th photo, Mmm. Who is that?

  2. Red seems to do it for most guys ... think of those Ronnie Rockel RED posers earlier.

  3. I always liked red posing briefs myself. Those are what I wore. Male bodybuilders look so hot in red.

  4. I love bodybuilder #34! His penis shape and position is so well defined in his shiny posing suit!!!! Would love to peel it back to get a nice look at it.

  5. Agreed re - 34... regards to FIT. Superb. If only this was the norm, rather than so rarely seen on the osing dias. But I have no desire to undertake any kind of strip search, much prefering the age-old striptease syndrome. It is what you can't quite see that is always more intriuging than the "full monty".

  6. I know this thread is old, but I ran across this same pic of #34 in some old computer files I have and it's labelled "Carlos Rodriguez." A quick Google image search of "Carlos Rodriguez bodybuilder" shows some similar looks. Hope that helps some of you!


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