Wednesday, December 24, 2014

This theme is red: first is taut bulge, high-waist brief strap-style poser; second, roomy and clinging wet nylon...

...third, contrast between massive most muscular and triangular point down VPL in small red posers; & fourth, tautly flattened pointer in older style red full posers (with tatt) (posted by Muscleposer).

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

IFBB Australia 2013: the guy in the centre is big in the body and not in the VPL department...

... (or at least he's not stimulated by the experience of being so scantily clad on stage in front of so many clothed people), but his VP does pull on the shiny black fabric in a way to make it very noticeable (posted by Muscleposer).