Sunday, January 27, 2019

David Pulcinella: same heading could apply to this one as for Dave Johnson, yesterday; only the pouch is much tighter and briefer here, squeezing the VPL out (posted by Muscleposer).


  1. Bodybuilders with small cocks in tiny posing suits are so fucking hot and sexy!

  2. Yes JewBoy, I couldn't agree more. Cock and balls completely shrunken from steroid abuse is the ultimate turn on.

  3. I'm with you guys. Would love to see a huge guy with junk so tiny he can wear one of the women's bottoms and fit just fine. Another thing is these guys can totally bone on stage and it not be obvious to everyone. You think any of them couldn't care less if they got any tinier as long as they gained mass?

  4. It's unanimous! One beaut of a hot MAN even if that pouch were half the size it is.


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