Saturday, February 8, 2020

Daniel Carter (bodybuilding name), alias Joey Sullivan, alias Steel from Thunders Arena: excellent showing off in posers (posted by Muscleposer).

So many. I'll have to divide the postings into 2 or more posts.

with Travis (Anthony Benvento)

with Travis (Anthony Benvento)


Anonymous said...

Look at the difference between the two cocks on the last photo. Haha

Anonymous said...

For me, and I hate to say this about the abov group; but they all look like endomorphs. As such they tend to put on weight. There is not one of the above group which comes within miles of being well-ripped. They may as well forget it and be happy as they are as I doubt that they have a snowflake in hell's chance of achieving the look they all would clearly like to have.They are just not genetically conditioned that way. So be happy as you are, which is not all that bas, by the way, and stop straining for the unattainable.