Saturday, June 20, 2020

Jeff Rodriguez: clear outlines of a fat cock


  1. One of the best in the business.
    There used to be loads of backstage and underwear shots on the net - but they have all disappeared
    What a waste !!!!

  2. He's abosolutely gorgeous, I would like to lick him all over until he almost climaxed and then fuck him to take him over the edge. I especially like the shot of him in the blue posers as they show off his cock so beautifully. This guy has quite enough muscle for me and I hope he remains that way and does not turn himelf, as many do, into an overblown,steroid enhanced monstrosity.

  3. This guy is so hot. His posing briefs always fit perfect over his package.

  4. Those backstage and intimate shots (and I mean intimate) were on which is now up for sale. Wonder what happened to that database ?

  5. Love his grey posing suit. You can see that he's nicely circumcised with a nice half boner.


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