Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Bodybuilder daddy in posing trunks (sent by David)


  1. Some guys just do not know when it is time to stop. This guy is well past his "sell by" date.

  2. Probably looks better than you! I noticed you are the one who has all the negative comments here.

  3. Thank you Naked Muscle. for your snide comment. You would have done better to comment on the shot itself, f you had anythig relevant ot sa y about it, hich I seriously doubt, take a pot-shot at me.

    If you were to read all my comments, which you clearly do not,you would see hat I am qutie frequntly complementary. I call 'em as I see 'em, In the pressnt case, even the kindest of critics would find it difficult to find anything compimentary to say about this guy.

    What your gratuitous. snideremark "Probaly looks better than you" has got to do with my comment I fail to aee. It is utterly irrelevant in the contect in which you have made it.

  4. I think his bulge is sexy! Isn't this blog about bulges and visible penis lines in the first place?

  5. Snide comment? You mean like the comment you made about this guy? Also, I have read some of your comments and you do post some good comments but you also post your share of negative comments as well! As for your comment about the kindest critics finding it difficult to find anything complimentary about this guy, who the hell do you think you are to disparage someone who who works out hard and worked hard to get ready for a show?

    Even after I called you out you still continue to disparage this guy! I don’t recall seeing any of your contest pictures here anywhere. Maybe in his younger days he has competed a lot and has won contests but still has the guts to continue. I have seen guys who look a lot worse than him and he probably has a lot more knowledge than you will ever have. Truth be known you have never picked up a weight in your life, much less know enough to be able to disparage someone who has obviously worked hard most of his life and looks better than you ever will! So don’t give me that b.s. your trying to dish out with your arrogant, pompous attitude and trying to come up with a poor excuse for your tasteless comment and then trying to disparage me for calling you out! When you get up off your fat ass and hit the gym and work hard and then do a competition then I will have some respect for you!

  6. Way to go nakd. We have some decent guys on here but unfortunately we have this guy!

  7. Silvio is probably a fat fuck! 😂

  8. I like this forum because of the positive and negative input. Hey, freedom of speech right? I'm sorry but Silvio does have a point. Sometimes, you gotta know when to throw in the towel LMAOOO! And Angel, yeah this blog is supposed to be about the bulges but pops doesn't make the cut in my opinion lolol

  9. So sad the shallow people on this board!

  10. Yes it is sad the shallow people here but the others outweigh them by a long shot. Would be curious to see what they look like. It’s the shallow, overweight or guys who never lift who post comments like these. I guess it’s best to be a “has been “ than a “never was”.

  11. Ok poser lover, Let’s make a wager? You have no profile picture. Put one up and let us critique it? Hey, freedom of speech right? Where have I heard that before? Oh, I remember, the guy who has no picture on his profile.

  12. Thanks Nakdmuscle for standing up to these heartless queens! They are what gives the rest of us gay guys bad a name! Left a previous board because of people like that. Such hypocrites and so sad people like this exist in this world! They are miserable in their own lives so they try to make the rest of us miserable as well. I don’t have room in my life for negative people.

  13. Nakd Muscle. It's just a forum. Don't get so worked up, emotional and personal. Makes it seem like you lack real meaning or purpose of something greater. We're not all gonna agree on certain pics and that's just the way it is. Agree to disagree. Carry on...

  14. And Nakd Muscle, I contribute a lot to this forum, pic and video wise... Where's your contributions? Put up or shut up...

  15. You contribute so that gives you the right to belittle someone else. Btw, I do post pics here so I contribute also. It’s the people like you who lack real meaning or purpose. So take me up on my offer. Put up or shut up!

  16. Give it up nakedmuscle. These old queens will never get it! Your better than them so be the better man and let it go.

  17. Nakd muscle.... Try to be original. Copying off my sentences shows your lack of ability to function mentally on your own... You seek approval too much lmao!

  18. So now you’re grasping at straws. Really laughing my ass off! Lack of ability to function mentally on my own? Ha ha! You have no idea anything about me. What I do for a living, if I run my own company, or anything else for that matter! Retired military here, competed in several bodybuilding competitions. Copied your sentence to show you how much of a hypocrite you are! So come on man, put up or fucking shut up! Show us what you look like you fat fucking couch potato! Waiting. “Do I hear crickets”?

  19. Naked muscle, he has got nothing and your better than him! I remember you now that you mentioned the Military and your profile picture. . We have talked before on another forum. I am physique50 on that one. Hit me up there again and let’s chat! That way we don’t have to weed through all these low life drama queens posts.

  20. I agree nakd. Let it go. He isn’t worth it! All his comments prove he is nothing more than an egotistical, insensitive moron with insecurity issues. Let’s get back to why we are here in the first place. Best to ignore assholes like him!

  21. I think the guy looks great! Probably late 50s or early 60s. Kudos to him! Most guys that age don’t even workout! Hell, most guys don’t even workout period then you have a couple guys on this group making negative comments about someone who most of his life got up off his ass and hit the gym and maybe did a few contests.

    I have been to a few shows and there are guys in their 60s and 70s who compete and they get lots of applause for how they look at their age! The ones who make negative comments have never been to a show or even workout so they cannot appreciate the hard work that is put into prepping for a show. It’s a lot of hard work and diet! Don’t understand how some can be so cruel!

  22. Honestly, I am happy that this blog is not only about one certain bodybuilder type.

  23. Daddy has a nice body and nice package!

  24. My, my, my! With four words: “past his sell by date” by which I still stand, in spite of the vituperation heaped upon me by various writers, especially by Naked Muscle, who seem to belong to that group of people, who, when someone says something with which they disagree, become abusive, Their abusiveness towards me is based not on facts, of which they have none, other tan my four words, but on a variety of abusive concepts, which they pull out of thin air, with no knowledge whatsoever of the person they are upbraiding.

    I feel sorry for Poser Lover, to whom Naked Muscle seems to have transferred his ire.

    His verbis dictis, (for those who are challenged in Latin: these words having been said) I feel like awarding myself a leather medal for having shaken the epistolary lethargy off several fans of this blog, who have put pen to paper; no less than 23 comments! This must be a record, especially as it was provoked by one four word remark; a testimony to the doubtful premise that the word is truly mightier than the sword.

    I would draw the attention of the fact that to be a critic one does not have to be proficient in the subject one is criticising. And that applies equally to literature, art, music, etc and even to politics. Some of the greatest music critics cannot play or sing a single note themselves.

    And so it is with me: I am and old man, for sure, as I am going on 86 - a fact! But an old queen I am not- another fact, for – surprise, surprise - I am not even a homosexua, either retiered fomr acrive service or practising. But, perforce, blowing my own trumpet as there is no one here to blow it for me, I am a man with a very acute aesthetic sense for everything which is beautiful, which is why I look at this blog. as the human, male figure, can be extremely beautiful.

    So I am guilty as charged; I do not have at my age, nor have I ever had when I was younger, a figure, which I would show off naked in public. In fact, to paraphrase my own words, "I never had a sell-by date. But is spite of the fulminations of people like Naked Muscle, I shall still go on ploughing my own furrow and I can but misquote to you a children’s rhyme which goes:

    Sticks and stones may break my bones
    But words can never hurt me.

    In modern terms: I am teflon coated! So bring on your negative. insulting comments as they will not stick!

    Finally let me put in crudely to Naked Muscle: “You make as if you are shit-hot yourself: God's give to is blog, so to speak. So put up a photo of yourself in the altogether so that we can judge you. Let us see for ourselves, whether your body matches up to your mouth. Either put up or shut up!”

  25. Silvio, please crawl back into the little hole from which you came! Nakd muscle never said anything of the sort about himself being shit-hot. It’s you you who is the one disparaging someone else. And I agree, post a pic or shut up. So we see now, your going on 86 but you still haven’t learned anything. As the song goes by Hall and Oats , “it’s easy to hurt others when you can’t feel pain” Your not Teflon coated, your just insensitive, cold, and arrogant or just getting senile. If it’s the latter, I apologize, if not then please go away!

  26. Silvio, it wasn’t the four words in your first post, it’s the fact that after the first response to your post, you should have moved on but rather you continued your rant which in turn caused a whole flurry of comments from a lot of others! Sometimes it’s best to move on and not continue to try to prove you are right!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps you thought the guys is past his sell-by date but many others do not believe that. Perhaps we could see a picture of you then I am sure some would see you as handsome and some will not! I am glad Nakdmuscle moved on, at least for now, please do the same! Have a great weekend!

  27. P.S. Nakdmuscle does have a pic on his profile.

  28. Dear Ivan,

    One small point: Inever rant; and I never tried to prove I was right. I merely atated an opinion, to which I still stick. If others like what they see, then that is their prerogative. I do not view the world through rose tinted spectacles I see ut as it; warts and all: and alas, often warts alone.

    And Eddie,

    Please do try not not to be so insultingly rude when you write. You belittle yourself. And Your is not the same same You're

  29. Insultingly rude? You mean like when you write? LAMO! All these guys are right. Such a hypocrite!

  30. Hey Admin, can we all petition to have this psychopath Silvio banned from this forum? He is the very type who would stalk and kill anyone who disagrees with him!

  31. Thanks guys for your support but it is a futile endeavor which is why I no longer respond to this guys rants! Look, he is in his 80s so we should overlook him because dementia may be setting in and had I known this I may not have responded to his negative comments in the first place. It could happen to all of us as we get older. I am in my 50s so I would hope later on as I get older everyone will ignore me! Not feeling sorry for him or anything but I do understand!

  32. Oh come on nakd don’t go soft on him now! Lol. Let him or poserluvr troll me!

  33. Great lookin older guy! Looks as though the Trolls have found another bridge to hide under! lol


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