Monday, December 27, 2021

Justin Firgaria to the left, the sexy bulge of Brian Ahlstrom to the right (sent by David)



  1. Wow...that is quite a posing suit the guy on the right is wearing. Love it. Would enjoy a good mud wallow wearing that suit!

  2. Great angle for presenting the bulge!

  3. Damn what a pouch full of cock and balls! I will bet he was a sight onstage. Can anyone ID him because I would love to find his posing routine or pics online!

  4. Looks to me as though he is wearing a cockring by the way he is squeezed and pushed out! Definitely not shy at all! Would also like to see him onstage!

  5. His name is Brian Alhstrom . This pic is a few years old but there are some hot pics of him online if you google him. Also do a search on YouTube and you can view at least one of his posing routines where he is wearing the same trunks only in white. He bends over and his ass faces the audience and you can see his crotch between his legs and as he walks across the stage, you can see his cock swinging back and forth. Really hot! I am very surprised he has never been posted here that I know of.

  6. Thanks Kevin for the name! I'm gonna make a post about him!


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