Monday, September 26, 2022

Balls and penis outlines


  1. And how! What a package; what balls!. It oculd all be better presented though, if he wore tighter fitting posers. His body's pretty good too
    Overall, a very good picture of a very attractive stud.

  2. Woof! I love how his bulging cock, straining to get out, puts stripes in hot lime-green posers.

  3. That's the problwm MTK. His cock is NOT STRAINING TO GET OUT, as you put it, as the posers are much too big.He wouold loook 100% better on skin wrappped in much smsller, tighter posers. He is not making the most of his his beauticul body and his ig cock and balls.

  4. Wearing trunks like these gives everything the opportunity to move more naturally and is not best illustrated in stills. I have videos of Anthony Miller backstage at Team Universe which are as horny as fuck


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