Friday, October 21, 2022

Robin Strand bulked up



  1. always wondered if he is gay. with all those musclewhorship and domination videos...

    1. I loved his worship videos, came so many times with them 🔥

  2. Not all my type he is just too big and lacking definition. He may have a nig dick, bu tone swallow does not make a summer.

  3. Silvio: being bulked up is not a type! It's just a temporary phase

  4. MattSG,

    I only look at most shots once; and this is one of them. In the present case I would have preferred to have seen him once he has got over his temporary phase, as you put it. Frankly, I will not return to this shot. I only rerurn to shots to look at comments from other fans on photos on which which I have myaelf commented.

    In my view he looks flabby and needs to lose a lot of weight before be besports himself in front of the cameras again.

    1. Shows how much you know Silvio. He is probably 6-8 weeks out from his show. So sad your always a pessimist!

  5. anonymous 0f 23/10,

    if wha tou say is true, thenn it would have been better, if he had shown himself when he was ready to compete in 6-8 weeks time.

    I base my comments on what I actually see and NOT ON ON WHAT I MIGHT SEE AT SOME FUTURE INDETERMINATE DATE, BASED ON THE ACERBIC COMMENTS OF SOME ANONYMOUS PERSON, WHOM MY COMMENTS HAVE ANNOYED, AND WHO THINKS HE CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE. I am not a star gazer, but an utter realist who stands by his commentsbase on wha the has seen..

    I can but repear my comment of 22/10 to MattSG which I stand by:

    "In my view he looks flabby and needs to lose a lot of weight before be besports himself in front of the cameras again."

    You do not seem to have read and understoood all my comments which makes your remark about my being a pessimist laughable. I give praise where think it is due: none, in my view, is due in the presant case,

  6. Still shows how much you know about bodybuilding and competition prep. We take photos of ourselves in the 6 to 8 weeks before competition for ourselves so that we can see the before and after body fat reduction. We post them on our social media and then someone gets it and posts it on places like this where there is always a critic pointing out our flaws as if we need your approval.

    1. I personally love the off season looks, it s the healthiest way to keep on growing

  7. I wouldn’t waste my time taking to Silvio. His negative posts are all over this site. He must be so fucking awesome and gorgeous in his posers so let’s not try to correct him but only strive to be like him!


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