Sunday, February 2, 2025

Danilo Hunter Sipovac from USA

Based on his name, this bodybuilder is probably of Croatian origin. I like this photo for several reasons: first, the obvious one—his genitals are outlined in the tight briefs. Secondly, we can also see his beautifully muscular body, including his butt, from behind in the mirror.



  1. Baština Hrvatske - heritage of Croatia
    Prezime koje se često nalazi na našem otoku Rabu na Dalmatinskoj obali. Zgodan je i dobro graden s genetskim darovima.

    Šipovac, surname found on our island of Rab on the Dalmatian coast. He is handsome and well built with genetic gifts.

  2. THIS is what mirrors are for: the display of muscle. And man, he looks good in them!


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